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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia

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Seminário de Pesquisa 02/2018 – CAEN

Data de publicação: 9 de abril de 2018. Categoria: Notícias

O coordenador de pesquisa do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia – CAEN convida a comunidade acadêmica para participar do Seminário de Pesquisa 02/2018: “Descentralização e Resultados na Saúde Infantil no Brasil” proferido por Dércio Nonato Chaves de Assis (Assessor Técnico da Diretoria de Estudos Sociais do Instituto de Pesquisa e Estratégia Econômica do Ceará – IPECE e Pesquisador do Laboratório de Estudos da Pobreza – LEP/CAEN/UFC). O seminário acontecerá dia 11 de abril, às 17:00 horas, no auditório do CAEN.

Local: Auditório do CAEN (Av. da Universidade, 2762 – 1º andar – Benfica)

As declarações estarão disponíveis no site do CAEN (https://caen.ufc.br/pesquisa/seminarios/declaracoes/) uma semana após a realização do evento.

Link para o Artigo:  descentralizacao-e-resultados-na-saude-infantil-no-brasil

This paper investigates the effects of the relationship between decentralization and child health outcomes in Brazil. Given the possibility of heterogeneous responses and distributional consequences, it was sought to verify the general and regional effects of the decentralization of public health services on child health outcomes across Brazilian states during the period 2000- 2013. For this, it was used the fixed effects model approach with state-specific trend dummies and robust standard errors. The results showed that the fiscal decentralization of actions and public health services had, during the period in analysis, a substantial statistically impact on reducing the
infant and child mortality rates in Brazil. It was also acknowledged the importance of per capita federal spending on health services, as well as the role that the access to clean water plays as an important home infrastructure factor to improve child health in developing countries. However, the effects of decentralization are different given the regional development level, with superior impacts in more developed regions (South region, -0.598). Meanwhile, the institutional capacity of health sector management of states and municipalities in the Northern region of Brazil (null effect) needs to be reexamined.

Fonte: Professor Paulo Rogério Faustino Matos (CAEN/UFC) – 3366.7751

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